Our mission is to end the commercial growing, manufacturing, and sale of all tobacco products. We believe that if enough people take on our challenge, the world's politicians will finally realize that their partnership with big tobacco is no longer acceptable, thus bringing about the end of the ugly partnership.
To achieving our goals, we plan to offer a series of challenges. We will invite people from every country, subject to their country's rules regarding the same, to take part in our challenges.
Our challenges will include a "Participation Award," and, if there are winners of any competitions, a "Winners' Award."
We believe our challenges will create powerful and concentrated expressions of the will of the people that can bring about substantial changes in how the tobacco industry operates.

Why has StompOut Tobacco taken on such an enormous challenge?
That's a fair question. It certainly appears to be an impossible mission. Will we succeed? Only time will tell.
However, we don't believe that "why take on such an enormous challenge" is the right question to ask.
Whether we succeed is less important than what if our efforts result in at least some people, from countries around the world, work together on a common goal. If people from at least a few countries answer our call to tackle a problem like tobacco, maybe it will mark the beginning of a new way to work cooperatively.
If we tap into a new way to bring people together, then perhaps there is no limit to what similar groups to ours can accomplish.
Minor efforts to tackle issues, like tobacco, have proven time and time again they do not work. So, we went BIG with this project. Where ever this project takes us is better than making no effort at all.
Challenge #1 calls for participants to sign a petition, which states, in part:
1. We do you not approve of any government partnering with big tobacco as a way of generating tax revenue. Such a practice by definition allows for the continued sale of tobacco products.
2. We approve of all governments enacting laws, rules and/or regulations, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, that require the termination of the manufacturing and/or sale of tobacco products.
4. We approve of all governments enacting laws, rules and/or regulations ordering the destruction of all existing tobacco products.
Ready to take the challenge?

The sponsors of our challenge have agreed to reward all participants, from every country, across the globe.
How many people will take our challenge?
But, If our challenge reaches a viral level of interest, our sponsor is prepared to award ALL participants.
There is power in numbers. If we are fortunate to have enough participants, we will have the clout required to influence political action.
It is critical to our mission that millions of people sign our petition. A petition signed by millions will serve as our entrée to international political conversations about stopping the mass production and sale of tobacco products.